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Joan Marks
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Raymond Souza
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Maggie Stalk
We work with architects and planning consultants and assist their clients to achieve the best possible outcomes. Ideally we are brought in at the beginning of a project, as the highways and transport requirements for a particular project can radically affect the design approach and the chances of the client achieving their planning permission. Our aim is to achieve practical solutions to issues that may arise and if these are dealt with at the outset, the potential for problems further down the line is greatly reduced.
A recent project involved the client building 10 detached houses. Local councillors and residents were adamant that the site should be accessed via an industrial estate area to the rear. At the design stage we carried out a site visit and identified that construction access from this direction was entirely impractical, as it would mean large vehicles driving past a Grade II listed building and a heavily used allotment. It would also mean temporarily closing a public footpath and the removal of a wall on land not belonging to the client.
We held detailed discussions with highways & planning officers and prepared a bespoke Highways Report with a Construction Logistics Plan (CLP) that then enabled vehicles to access the site via the existing public highway. This involved the client entering into a S278 Agreement to widen a road junction, remove bollards and existing double yellow lines to allow access for large vehicles. The residents of the nearby properties were initially strongly opposed to this idea but following the commencement quickly realised this was the best solution as it drastically reduced the build time and greatly lessened the overall impact.
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